Take action

Current calls to action with UU Mass Action or our partners:

Page last updated: May 3, 2024

Support Keeping Families Connected through Improved Access to Visits in MA Prisons, Jails, and ICE

In December, the Keeping Families Connected coalition celebrated the historic No Cost Calls bill that eliminates the cost of phone calls for people who are incarcerated. This has already had a huge positive impact on individuals and families across the state. Let's keep up the momentum to Keep Families Connected through supporting in-person visits. The Prison Visitation bill would lift many restrictions on visiting loved ones who are incarcerated, and make staying connected through in-person visits more accessible. You can learn more about the Visitation bill here. 

The Public Safety Committee extended the deadline until May 8 to report this bill favorably out of committee. You can help by calling or emailing the members of the committee to tell them you support improved access to visits and want them to give the bills a favorable report. Please take action now by clicking here!

end solitary confinement

The Human Right Bill is in the Public Safety committee, and has a deadline to be reported out by this Wednesday, May 8th! Take action here  to let the chairs of the committee know that we urge them to pass this bill that would end solitary confienment. 

An Act Relative to End of Life Options

The End of Life Options act was voted forward by the Joint Committee on Health Care Finance and it is now in the Senate Ways and Means committee. This is the first time the bill has ever reached this point in the legislative process!

Medical Aid in Dying is a process that allows a terminally ill person to request medications from their health care provider that would bring about a quick painless death.  The End of Life Options act would legalize this practice in Massachusetts.

Please contact your legislators  and let them know this bill is importantly to you and that you would like them to contact leadership to urge them to bring this bill to a floor vote. If your senator is a member of the Senate Ways and Means Committee, your calls and emails are especially valuable.

stop the construction of the $50 million women’s prison

Join our partners at Families for Justice as Healing to take actions for decarceration in honor of Mother's day. Here are ways you can support: 

You can take further action by supporting the Prison Moratorium bill to prevent construction of a new women's prison. Sign this petition and use this toolkit to take action! 

#MassachusettsWelcomes Social Media Kit

The MIRA Coalition is thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of the Massachusetts Welcomes Campaign on March 12th, 2024! The Massachusetts Welcomes Campaign is dedicated to creating a welcoming environment for every individual, regardless of their background or how they arrived here. We believe that our Commonwealth is stronger because of our rich history of welcoming immigrants who join our workforce, enrich our communities and strengthen our democracy. We believe in a Commonwealth where diversity is celebrated, and everyone has the opportunity to succeed.

We want to get the #MassachusettsWelcomes buzz coming from all of your organization, coalition and personal social media platforms. This is a crucial moment for our coalition members, partners, and supporters to come together and show our commitment to welcoming immigrants and refugees in Massachusetts.

Fill out this form to receive our toolkit and more details about how you can participate!

April UU Action hour guide

UU Mass Action Gathering for a Ceasefire

Come join UU Mass Action as we facilitate a space to come together as congregations, congregants, and community to take action for a ceasefire. If interested please email rev. jo at jmurphy@uumassaction.org and if we have enough interest we will schedule a meeting in March. We hope to host a space for break-out groups, sharing a congregational resource being created by a group of ministers, and to have space to be together, collaborate, and act.

Join us as we work to end this massacre, ensure the exchange of all hostages, and end the violence.

Whether or not you are able to join us, please use this resource from UU’s for Justice in the Middle East to take action

Take action with BIJAN

BIJAN is seeking a variety of kinds of help and support in our network right now. If you can read/write Portuguese, can answer a phone and speak some Spanish, if you can offer winter coats to migrants or host folks in your home go to the action guide here!